Kif tgħidha f'qalbek: Bejn kitba u traduzzjoni fuq Aphroconfuso
Sat, Oct 21
|MFCC, Malta Book Festival
We are proud to host Aphroconfuso's team, Joe Gatt and Loranne Vella in conversation with Kurt Borg, Davinia Hamilton and Omar N'Shea.

Time & Location
Oct 21, 2023, 6:00 PM – Oct 22, 2023, 6:00 PM
MFCC, Malta Book Festival, Millennium Stand, Level 1, The National Stadium, Ħ'Attard ATD 4000, Malta
About the event
Jekk kull kitba hija forma ta’ traduzzjoni, ħafna drabi l-kitba bil-Malti terġa’ hija traduzzjoni b’mod iktar dirett. Meta niġu biex nartikolaw bil-Malti ħsieb dwar suġġett li dejjem qrajnieh b’lingwa oħra, probabbilment bl-Ingliż, insibu ruħna nitqabdu bejn l-idea nnifisha u espressjoni preċiża u eleganti. Taħdita mal-edituri u l-kontributuri ta’ Aphroconfuso dwar kif din it-taqbida tagħmel parti importanti mill-kitba u l-proċess editorjali tal-ġurnal.
If all writing is a form of translation, writing in Maltese is often translating in an even more direct sense. When we try to articulate in Maltese a line of thought on a subject that we have always read in another language, most probably English, we find ourselves struggling between the idea and its precise and elegant expression. A conversation with the editors and contributors of Aphroconfuso on how this struggle forms an important part of the journal’s writing and editorial process.