Ancient monsters have awakened from beneath the surface of the small planet-wide city of Mibdul, but what awoke them, and why are they here? As they creep their way to the surface, the young Magla contends with the loss of her beloved mother, while helping her father run a tourism centre. But while both Magla’s friend and colleague Hayrun and the merciless businesswoman Orion court the attentions of the cybernetic denizens of the Velocifero for opposing ends, the monsters make their steady lurch forward …_Mibdulis a six-issue serialised comic that’s a first in many ways: something of an allegory for Malta’s often tragicomic relationships with the outside world, it frames this political dimension through the story of Magla, a young girl whose mother recently committed suicide, but whose legacy suggests a link to primordial forces beneath Mibdul’s core. A legacy that both Magla and a rag-tag resistance force seek to exploit in an attempt to overthrow the capitalistic juggernaut that is destroying any remaining part of Mibdul’s natural heritage.Mibdul is the smallest planet in its star system, flanked as it is by Treaty — its former coloniser — and Velocifero, a technologically-advanced cyborg utopia that’s proving to be more and more of a reference point for Mibdul’s avaricious elite.Mibdultells a colourful an
Mibdul (#2)
SKU: 9789990919776