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Walking in Grace 2023

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Publisher notes

<em>Walking in Grace 2023</em>is the new title for Guideposts’ best-selling devotional, Daily Guideposts. This new title perfectly captures the promise of the devotional that has encouraged and inspired millions of readers for more than 45 years.While our title is new, the daily inspiration remains the same!<em>Walking in Grace 2023</em>brings you a Scripture verse to bless your day with the Word of God. From there, you’ll be encouraged by a true, first-person story from beloved writers who share how God works through everyday events to both challenge and strengthen your faith. You’ll also be blessed by an original prayer that acknowledges God's majesty and His gracious presence in your life. And, if you long for a deeper biblical connection in your quiet time, the popular"Digging Deeper"feature provides additional Scripture verses for further reflection.In just a few minutes a day,<em>Walking in Grace 2023</em>will help you uncover the spiritual riches you long for in your life. This year’s theme is Filled with Praise, from Psalms 95:1-2, “Come,let us sing for joyto theLord; Let us shout aloudto the Rockof our salvation. Let us come before himwith thanksgiving and extol him with musicand song.” This theme offers a powerful and comforting day-by-day reminder of God’s greatness and that He is worthy to be praised!Also in<em>Walking in Grace 2023</em>:<ul> <li>Get to know our beloved family of writersand see how their lives have changed over the past year in "Fellowship Corner."</li> <li>Easily find the exact inspiration you seekwith the helpful Scripture Reference Index and the convenient index of authors, titles, and subjects.</li> <li>Capture your spiritual insightsby journaling your thoughts in the monthly diary section—a helpful reminder of all the ways God has strengthened your walk in grace through the years.</li></ul>









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