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Editur Patrck J. Sammut, self-published, 2019, pp. 207. Ġabra ta’ intervisti ma’ poeti minn numru ta’ pajjiżi: Malta, l-Italja, il-Bosnia-Herzegovina, is-Serbja, is-Slovakkja, ir-Rumanija, ir-Russja, l-Iżrael, Hong Kong u ċ-Ċina, l-Indja, l-Awstralja u l-Istati Uniti. Il-poeti Maltin intervistati hawn huma Maria Grech Ganado, Marlene Saliba, Alfred Palma, John P. Portelli, Therese Pace, u l-artist Hilary Spiteri.The third volume of interviews editor Patrick J Sammut had with writers and poets. This volume brings together 23 poets, writers and artists from Malta, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina , Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Israel, Hong Kong, China, India, Australia and USA. The same questions have been set to all the artists, aiming to identify commonality and differences. The reader will realise that the human element prevails, in spite of different cultures and beliefs.

Voices from the Mediterranean and beyond

SKU: 9789995714208
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    Paperback / softback
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